Lynn 1. Contacted on October 31st about a brown and black dog that runs between Walmart and their farm by Jessica D. I went out that day and searched the area with no sighting. Went out several times over the next two weeks without seeing the dog. 2. Contacted on November 12th with a sighting of the same dog by Bill, he adopted Sasha, from CDAS. “I was leaving Walmart at 2110 and had just made the curve leading into traffic when a dog raced across the road from east to west. It went about 50 feet into the grass and sat down looking back to where it came from”. “It looked like maybe 35-40 pounds black & brown mutt”. “Straight across from the strip mall between Maurice’s and the traffic light”. 3. Contacted by Lynn at CDAS on November 24th at 0200, when I was there late at night checking on Idaho. She had left a voicemail about a stray dog running across Walmart parking lot consistently each night when she is doing a drop load there as a semi driver. The dog reportedly eats near the dumpster behind US Cellular. 4. Contacted Amber Dvorak at MCAS to let her know I was actively trying to live trap a dog that has been running at large for some time. November 24th. 5. Live trap set out at the US Cellular dump. The dog would eat the goods near the trap but not enter..November 24th 6. November 27th Meg Scott saw the dog run across highway 21 near the substation and Linda Johnson’s property. Live trap set up there too. The first night all food was eaten near the trap. 7. Thursday December 2nd, I went and walked the area near the cell tower. I also walked the land behind Johnson’s to Hampton etc….within the hour Beth sees the dog where I had walked….Live trap from Linda Johnson’s moved to cell tower site. Family that rents the farmland agrees to let us set up trap. Pam & Eve contacted about the dog and I asked for help! 8. Friday, December 3rd Beth & I both observe the dog at the cell tower site. 9. Saturday, December 4th The beginning of the Missy Trap set up with Pam, Susan, Beth and me. Two back panels, two side panels on each side. Old pet porter in place. Confirmed sightings! 1850, 1900, 10. Sunday, December 5th Large old pet porter removed, new one placed. Bowl moved to back of Missy Trap. Confirmed sightings! 0248, 1300. 2211, 2253 11. Confirmed Sightings December 6th: 0350, 1239, 1436, 2200 for extended time. Brutal cold with Wind Chills 12. December 7th: Confirmed sightings at 0830 soon after Beth fed! Additional panels place. Hot broasted chicken left ~1100. Sightings: 1130 ½ hour after adding panels! 2100, 0100 13. Wednesday December 8th: 0819, 0900, Added several additional panels @ 1045. Watching in a field and we observed her coming back to the site as we were leaving. One hour later seen in Walmart parking lot and pursued to field…Additional equipment all placed….Finished around 1700. Trap armed until 1900…no sightings….Back at 0200 14. Thursday, December 9th: Lynn did not eat the food overnight at the back of trap….day of rest and no changes…..1005, 1500, 1530, 1600, 1630 near trap but will not enter! 2030 enters the trap! Spent about 6 minutes in the trap. Entered the trap during the night. 15. Friday, December 10th: Entered the trap 0700 looking for food…. Beth fed around 0800 and trap was armed…… 1000 successful trapping of Lynn and transport to CDAS. It took over an hour to gain her trust and get her crated. She tried to bolt!!! Lynn secure at CDAS!
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