Radar is a male Chesapeake Bay Retriever born October 26, 2012. Radar displayed eye problems early and was diagnosed with bilateral anterior segment dysgenesis which is the result of a birth defect at 14 weeks of age. The tissues of the eye (cornea and uveal tissues) never separated resulting in severe scarring of the cornea. This condition often results in the development of glaucoma because the drainage of fluid never develops. It was determined by the eye specialist that both eyes were blind with no sign of light sensitivity. Based on this information and the probability of increasing pressures in the eyes, Radar’s eyes were removed at 5 months. Radar was surrendered to a shelter in Wisconsin and the shelter contacted the Chesapeake Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin (Chessie Rescue of WI, http://www.crrow.org). Radar (previously known as Blue) was brought into CRROW at the age of 5 months and after recovering from his eye surgery and neutering, he was moved to his forever home in La Crosse with CRROW volunteer.

Radar is adapting to his new environment and rescue Chessie siblings, Louie and Sara. Louie is a 3 yr old long term foster with severe anxiety issues and Sara is an almost 3 yr old foster waiting to find her forever family and home. The three young Chessies keep things active and entertaining. It is interesting to watch the interactions between the sighted dogs and blind puppy.
Radar is a rather large puppy of 55 lbs at 6 months of age. He is relatively fearless, has no idea he is lacking sight and LOVES everyone – humans, dogs, kids and I am sure the list will go on as he encounters them. Radar is a typical puppy and can find a shoe, tissue, paper, socks or any other item in record time.